lunes, 24 de mayo de 2010

Martin Luther and the German Reformation

1. (a) Describe the event that is taking place in the source
shown on the right.
Martin Luther is writing something on the door of a Church or Cathedral.
(b)Mention one immediate consequence of this event.
I think he is showing a new cathedral or church.

1. Explain the following terms:
(a)justification by faith: Martin Luther discovered the first Bible
(b) indulgences: Documents issued by the Pope to pardon sins for money
(c) Papal bull: Through his bulls, popes have been declaring their willingness to their faithful.
(d) excommunicated: Pope denied the right to take the Holy Host
(e) heretic: they were persecuted by the Inquisition
(f) clerical celibacy: Not being married and in the use of the Church, a commitment not to marry. The Church makes a distinction between celibacy lay and ecclesiastical celibacy. In both cases, freely chosen, for religious reasons, not married.

2. Write briefly four important landmarks in the life of Martin Luther.
The excommunication
The justification by faith


1. Why was the Council of Trent summoned? It was to stop the Protestant movement and improve conditions in the church.

2. Identify three conclusions reached at this Council.

(a) New ways of spreding Catholicism

(b) New religious orders were former
(c)They formed the Society of Jesus

3. Name five countries in Europe where the Counter-Reformation was successful and one country

where it was not.

(a) Successful in: Spain, France, Italy, Germany and
(b) Unsuccessful in: England and Scotland.

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